Centro Risorse Territoriale di Pesaro e Urbino

Wilhelm Canaris and Cesare Amè

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Wilhelm Canaris e Cesare Amè, capo del SIM (Servizio Informazioni Militare), si incontrarono a Venezia il 2 agosto 1943
Wilhelm Canaris and Cesare Amè, chief of the SIM (Servizio informazioni Militare), met in Venice on 2 August 1943

Admiral Wilhelm Canaris whose family
Stemmed from Lake Como in Northern Italy
Was the Abwehr chief and master spy
Who kept up a National Socialist pretence
Soon after the fateful 25th of July
He managed to meet eyeball to eyeball
the head of the Italian Intelligence
And congratulated him heartily
On Mussolini’s sudden downfall
A useful precedent to eliminate
Hitler and his System from the German State

In fact Canaris had but a year to wait
Under house arrest and marked for the noose
For the Wolfsschanze blast that was no use
As it was too weak too luckless and too late

(Lamberto Bozzi, 8.5.2012)

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